Greg R. Anderson Photographer
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Desert Photos
Hedgehog Cactus
EH Cactus Bloom 1
Barrel Fishhook Flower
Barrel Cactus 1
Barrel Cactus 2
Red Barrel Cactus
Never Back Up in the Desert
Cholla at Saguaro National Park 1
Cholla 2
Staghorn Cholla
LOOK Don't Touch
Green Texture
Prickly Pear 3
Prickly Pear 4
Hedgehog Cactus

Cactus, highly adapted to the harsh desert environment, flourish in places where other plants cannot survive. Most cacti are succulents, meaning they have thickened, fleshy parts adapted to store water. Many live in extremely dry environments with a wide range of shapes and sizes. They bloom in late March through May and usually need birds and insects for pollination. Cholla have been used medicinally for centuries and the prickly pear fruit is used to make tasty jelly and delicious ice cream syrup. Barrel cactus with their flowers are particularly photogenic because of shape, texture and color.

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