Greg R. Anderson Photographer
Abstract  •  Albuquerque Skies  •  Botanical  •  Butterflies  •  Classic Cars  •  Desert Southwest
National Parks  •  Scenic America  •  Slot Canyons  •  Wildlife
About Greg R. Anderson
Greg R. Anderson

Photography began for me in 1969, while attending the University of Minnesota. With a minimal amount of training, I assisted wedding photographers and soon found myself on my own, covering weddings and other events. After graduation from Carlson School of Management, I began to pursue the more challenging field of advertising photography, making it my career. After spending more than 3 amazing decades producing images for corporate use, I have chosen to spend the next 3 decades creating images that are personally more gratifying. Making the transition to digital images was gradual, beginning with digital scans of film in 1997 to digital capture only on 2003. Embracing the new technology was daunting and invigorating and it’s only getting better. Adobe Photoshop has become my new 'darkroom’. While so much has changed in recent years, the fundamentals of composition, lighting and the understanding of color and texture has not changed in centuries. Images with impact are seldom by chance.

While I occasionally accept assignment photography, most of my camera time is spent outdoors capturing creations beauty as I see it. Isn't it wonderful! If you have an interest in any of my images please use the email icon found below the thumbnails on each gallery page. You will be directed to an email dialog box where you can request info about specific images. Please use the name/number associated with the image. If you would like to be notified when I add images to this site, add you name to my email list by clicking the buttton below.

About the images
All photos are edited with Adobe Photoshop using a calibrated monitor. Most people will view them on whatever monitor is in front of them and they may appear dark or light or off color. In the end, all prints are made at a professional color lab that use calibration methods that match those that I use. This assures an accurate representation as I see it, and probably matches the scene as I shot it. All prints are produced with stable dies on archive paper having an expected life of over 100 years. I have archived hundreds of other images, some similar to those on this web site. If you have an interest in seeing other images from these categories, please let me know.

Home  •  About  •  •  612.723.6599  •  Minneapolis MN  •  ©2011-2017 Greg R. Anderson